Say Goodbye to Stress, Burnout, and Limiting BeliefS in Your Freelancing Business

Here's How to Find Fun, Flow, and Freedom Instead!

Say Goodbye to Stress, Burnout, and Limiting BeliefS in Your Freelancing Business

Here's How to Find Fun, Flow, and Freedom Instead!










Speaking Engagements



Hey there freelancers, agency owners, and service providers...

How would you like to raise your rates, attract dream clients effortlessly, and scale your freelance business with ease, joy, and passion?

But every time you try to prospect, you end up feeling overwhelmed, confused and burned out.

You've taken high-ticket courses that teach you how to close clients at premium rates, but the complicated steps leave you feeling dizzy and unable to take action.

Even with all the scripts and templates, you still can't seem to find clients who value your worth.

You're stuck with lowballing clients, lacking the confidence to state your price or negotiate a raise.

You started your business for freedom, but the non-stop hustle is making you feel trapped and stuck.

And it's not just about the business.

You also struggle to show up authentically as yourself because years in corporate have left you feeling disconnected from your true self.

You feel forced to fit into a box of what a professional should look like for fear of being judged.

You're buried in other people's expectations and struggling to find your true voice.

You don't have a magnetized message or power statement that makes you stand out from the crowd, and creating content and getting visible is scary and inconsistent.

You’re tired of constantly spinning your wheels trying to attract new clients to your business?

Despite your best efforts, your marketing just isn't hitting the mark, and it feels like you're getting nowhere fast.

You’re this close to throwing in the towel and giving up on your entrepreneurial dreams.

"Nagwork talaga yung pa-yummy na connecting. Nakakuha ako ng premium hourly project "

- Leziel

"Nagwork talaga yung pa-yummy na connecting. Nakakuha ako ng premium hourly project "

- Leziel

But what if I told you…

You could go from feeling trapped and overwhelmed to

feeling liberated and equipped with clarity, confidence, and focus to attract, work with, and choose your dream clients at your desired rates.

What if there was a way to attract dream clients without all the headaches, hassle, and heartache?

What if you could effortlessly connect with prospects, state your offer, and have them begging to work with you?

Imagine waking up to messages from your soulmate clients asking how they can work with you.

Imagine doing the work that truly lights you up, with amazing people who appreciate your value.

And the best part?

You don't need to be an expert or have years of experience to make it happen. You don't need to use overused scripts or boring templates, or sleazy, out-of-alignment tactics just to get results.

What if finding your dream clients and growing your business could be a joyful, fulfilling experience, rather than a stressful and overwhelming one?

But what if I told you…

You could go from feeling trapped and overwhelmed to

feeling liberated and equipped with clarity, confidence, and focus to attract, work with, and choose your dream clients at your desired rates.

What if there was a way to attract dream clients without all the headaches, hassle, and heartache?

What if you could effortlessly connect with prospects, state your offer, and have them begging to work with you?

Imagine waking up to messages from your soulmate clients asking how they can work with you.

Imagine doing the work that truly lights you up, with amazing people who appreciate your value.

And the best part?

You don't need to be an expert or have years of experience to make it happen. You don't need to use overused scripts or boring templates, or sleazy, out-of-alignment tactics just to get results.

What if finding your dream clients and growing your business could be a joyful, fulfilling experience, rather than a stressful and overwhelming one?

This is exactly what I can help you with in…



Master the Art of Seduction in your freelancing business and become irresistible to clients with this 8-week group coaching program!

This comprehensive solution teaches you how to attract, engage, and get clients by becoming seductive and appealing in their eyes.

Say goodbye to anxiety, lowballing, and confusing scripts.

With this exact step-by-step client-getting and client-attraction system, you'll effortlessly find new prospects and never run out of clients again.

Our lessons are based on years of experience working with freelancers and clients, so you can trust that our strategies work.

You'll fully embrace your authentic self and become a #certifiedyummymarketer, standing out from the competition and earning your clients' respect.

Join hundreds of freelancers today and own a profitable and sustainable freelancing business that allows you to live the lifestyle you want and provide for your family.

Here’s what’s included in the

Art of Seduction Executive 2.0 Coaching Program

PART 1: Sales and Marketing Mastery

01. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Are you tired of your limiting beliefs holding you back from realizing your true potential as a freelancer? It's time to take charge and shatter those barriers once and for all. We'll dive deep into the mindset patterns that may be undermining your success. Through actionable exercises and expert guidance, you'll gain the skills to identify, challenge, and reframe those self-imposed limitations. No fluffy theories or empty promises here – we're all about real-world solutions that deliver tangible results.

02. Neuroassociative Conditioning and Sales Mindset

If you are an introvert or find it hard to do small talk, initiate conversations, and build rapport, I’ll teach you how to use Neuro-Associative Conditioning to develop a seductive sales mindset that makes it easier and effortless to start conversations and chats and transition to your offer seamlessly. You’ll never need to hard sell because you build an instant relationship of trust with your prospect with the CPVS formula and a set of questions that eliminates the need to use scripts. Simply follow this formula and you will always know what to say to your prospects with full confidence and without anxiety.

03. Creating Sexy Offers

Feeling anxious and hopeless about how to stand out to your prospects in a sea of thousands of freelancers with the same offer? I’ll show you how to create sexy offers by incorporating a big idea that will make your offer stand out and be irresistible to clients that will make them easily reply “YES, take my money!” Learn how to transform from a commodity (“nice to have”) to a consultant (“I need you”) even if you don’t have experience so you don’t get lowballed by prospects and they see your value to their business that only you can give.

04. Message Dissection Clinic with AJ Cassata

Do you struggle with what to say when prospects ask you what you do? Learn the sales messaging strategies that separate big companies like Apple and Google from the rest. If you are having a hard time explaining your value to prospects in your chats and emails, AJ will teach you his own Messaging Mastery strategy on how to develop your own way of messaging statements that make it easy to state to your prospect what you do, articulate your value and the problems that you solve in a sexier way.

05. Discovery Call Clinic

Can’t shake that feeling of nervousness and fear of going on discovery calls with prospects? Do you find yourself having a mental block and not knowing what to say or ask even if you have a script? I’ll teach you the one thing you need to have before you go into your call or any interaction with your client that will make your client trust you and shifts the focus from you, your offer, your needs and anxiety to the client and their needs so the prospect warms up to you, trusts you, and listens to what you have to say with interest. Learn the mistakes you should avoid in a discovery call so you don’t waste your prospect’s time and yours and so you can end the call knowing if you and the client are a good fit and with the client having all the data they need to make a good buying decision.

06. Overcoming Objections

Struggling to overcome objections during client interactions? Feeling stuck and unsure of how to respond, even with a prepared script in hand? I'll equip you with the essential tools and techniques to effectively address objections from clients. Say goodbye to those roadblocks and hello to confidently navigating conversations. You'll learn how to handle objections with finesse, shifting the focus from doubts and hesitations to building trust and understanding your client's perspective. Get ready to boost your confidence, increase your conversion rates, and unlock new opportunities as objections become mere stepping stones on your path to success as a freelancer.

07. Social Media Copywriting Clinic

Stuck with what to post on social media? Or do you feel your value posts aren’t being noticed by your target audience? Pressured with constantly coming up with content? Our guest expert copywriter will teach her tried and tested copywriting strategies and techniques that anyone can apply for their social media posts so you have a ready go-to framework for creating content that is sure to magnetize your dream clients and make them interested in you.

08. Q and A Group Coaching

Got burning questions and seeking guidance for your freelancing journey? Look no further! Join our Q&A coaching call designed exclusively for you. Whether you're facing challenges, need clarity on certain aspects, or simply want to expand your knowledge, this interactive session is the perfect opportunity to get expert advice and valuable insights. Together, we'll tackle obstacles, uncover solutions, and empower you to level up your freelancing game. Get ready for an engaging and enlightening session where your questions take center stage.

"After enrolling dito, I felt like I could grab a brand new iPad Pro and don’t feel guilty for it.
Sana pala, dati pa ako nag enroll sa AOS"

- Kobie

PART 2: Mindset and Money Mastery

01. Self-Sabotagers

Discover the root cause behind why we self sabotage and how to stop the vicious cycle and how to remove yourself from the drama triangle so you become unstuck and unstoppable in achieving your goals. After this session, my students say they became less triggered, more calm, and they are able to do an objective assessment of their emotions whenever something triggering comes up and make better decisions. They notice a different energy when talking to family, friends or clients because they are less triggered and more in tune with their inner strengths, more in control and more intentional with their actions.

02. Shadow and Light Archetypes

Are you a people pleaser? Over giver? Do you suffer from analysis paralysis? Have a lot of self worth issues? This cannot be solved by clearing limiting beliefs alone, because the roots go way deeper than the conscious mind. Learn how to identify parts of your unconscious that have been running in the background and directing your life without you knowing. And how to release and transform them into their light counterparts so you can be more in control of your own life instead of being run by your repressed desires, traumas, and childhood issues.

03. Design Your Most Aligned and Abundant Year

Learn an easier and more sustainable way of goal setting and calendar planning that will align with the desires of your heart and give you space for both your goals and what lights you up. Get free easy to use notion trackers along with an actual hands on workshop where you will be planning alongside me and the group.

04. Business Financial Planning

Learn how to separate your personal from business income and the difference from revenue, profit, income so you can better manage and grow your business finances.

05. Guest Experts and Coaches

We will have the privilege of hearing from guest experts to talk about stress management for WFH freelancers and other exciting surprise topics.

Plus, there's more!

You'll Also Get These Amazing Bonuses When You Enroll Today!

Bonus # 1

The Art of Seduction Marketing Mastery Course

(Valued at P25,000)

Discover a comprehensive client-getting system that teaches you how to attract, engage, and secure clients effortlessly. This course is built on the principles of the Art of Seduction, allowing you to understand and fulfill your prospects' unique needs like never before. Based on years of experience, you'll learn how to naturally identify those needs, refine your offer, and enhance your skills to become irresistible to clients. Unlock the lifestyle you've always envisioned for yourself and your family, creating a lasting legacy. Enjoy the process as it draws upon the principles of dating and seduction, tapping into natural human instincts. Join us and master the art of client attraction with ease and enjoyment.

Bonus #2

The Stress-free Client Connection Method

(Valued at P2,500)

Unearth hidden lead sources and effortlessly generate up to 1,000 leads within an hour using an exclusive, speedy method revealed exclusively to my students. Bid farewell to confusion and overwhelm in prospecting with our lead tracking system. This powerful tool precisely guides you on the number of outreach efforts needed and predicts your potential closures. It automatically calculates your close rate and other essential KPIs, providing valuable insights for improving your client acquisition process. Say goodbye to anxiety about rejections and confidently make enhancements for optimal results.

Bonus #2

The Stress-free Client Connection Method

(Valued at P5,000)

Unearth hidden lead sources and effortlessly generate up to 1,000 leads within an hour using an exclusive, speedy method revealed exclusively to my students. Bid farewell to confusion and overwhelm in prospecting with our lead tracking system. This powerful tool precisely guides you on the number of outreach efforts needed and predicts your potential closures. It automatically calculates your close rate and other essential KPIs, providing valuable insights for improving your client acquisition process. Say goodbye to anxiety about rejections and confidently make enhancements for optimal results.

Bonus # 3

Battle Tested Scripts For Initiating Interesting Conversations With Your Prospects

( Valued at P500)

Know the right words to say when initiating conversation with prospects, so they put down their defenses and deactivate their BS meter. These scripts have been tested to get their attention and make them more open to you 90% of the time.

Bonus # 4

The Winning Scripts To Overcome Objections

(Valued at 3,000)

You'll know the answer to the most common objections your clients have about you and your offer, making the deal closer to the bag.

Bonus # 4

The Winning Scripts To Overcome Objections

(Valued at 500)

You'll know the answer to the most common objections your clients have about you and your offer, making the deal closer to the bag.

Bonus # 5

Powerful Questions For Rapport Building

(Valued at 1,000)

In this bonus video, you'll discover the most powerful questions you can ask to elicit an answer from your prospects, making it easier to build rapport and make them drawn to you.

Bonus # 6

The Cold Email Outreach Template

(Valued at 500)

You'll also get an effective cold email template that gets opened and read by highly-qualified leads, making your chances of getting calls and clients higher than your previous cold email campaign.

Bonus # 6

The Cold Email Outreach Template

(Valued at 500)

You'll also get an effective cold email template that gets opened and read by highly-qualified leads, making your chances of getting calls and clients higher than your previous cold email campaign.

Bonus # 7

The Email Seduction Secret Framework

(Valued at 500)

You'll have access to the actual email template I personally use which got me my first premium copywriting client. This same email got Jo the same results, so you’re 100% sure that this really works.

Aside from all these bonuses, you also get

2 one-on-one coaching calls with me:

Let's dive deep into your unique challenges and goals. I'll provide personalized guidance and practical strategies to help you overcome obstacles and reach new heights in your freelancing career. These calls are all about you, and together, we'll map out a roadmap to your success.

Exclusive access to the

AOS Executive Telegram community

Imagine connecting with a group of like-minded freelancers who are just as motivated as you are. In this community, we share insights, exchange advice, and support one another on our freelance journeys. It's a valuable network that will expand your professional circle and open doors to exciting opportunities.

Exclusive insider’s

perspective into my personal business

Be the first to get a sneak peek into my upcoming programs, where I'll be sharing valuable insights, strategies, and resources to elevate your freelancing business. I'll also share personal anecdotes, lessons learned, and behind-the-scenes tips to inspire and guide you on your own journey. You'll gain valuable insights from my firsthand experiences and apply them to your own freelance endeavors.

8 weeks of transformative group coaching calls

Join a dynamic group of freelancers on a 8-week adventure of growth and learning. Together, we'll tackle crucial topics, share our experiences, and provide practical solutions. You'll gain valuable insights from fellow freelancers and receive guidance from me along the way. It's a supportive environment where we learn, grow, and celebrate successes together.

And it doesn’t stop there…

As one of the FIRST 10 to PAY IN FULL inside AOS Executive 2.0, you'll receive an EXCLUSIVE, never-before-seen, fast-action BONUS TRAINING called

How to Build a Stress-free and Fully-outsourced Freelance Business, presented by Carlo Mercado

(Valued at P15,000)

During this comprehensive training, you'll gain insights into

5 Elements of a stress-free freelance business

3-step Standard Business Operations

How to earn ANY income you want, even if your service fee is less than $1,000 a month

How to budget and allocate business expenses, without sacrificing your income

How to accommodate ANY number of clients you want, without stressing yourself and going crazy

Hear it from my students

Yes, this program really works!

Allow me to guide you through the journey of discovering the joy, ease, and flexibility of freelancing, and support you in becoming the ultimate premium freelancer version of yourself.

With my help, you'll unlock the fun, flow, and freedom of freelancing.

Don't wait any longer to start living the life you've always dreamed of - take the first step towards your success today.

Yes, this program really works!

Allow me to guide you through the journey of discovering the joy, ease, and flexibility of freelancing, and support you in becoming the ultimate premium freelancer version of yourself.

With my help, you'll unlock the fun, flow, and freedom of freelancing.

Don't wait any longer to start living the life you've always dreamed of - take the first step towards your success today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the program?

Once you enroll in AOS Executive, you'll have one-year access to the Student Portal. Every group coaching call will be recorded and uploaded to the Portal and you can revisit the content whenever you need it until next year, allowing you to learn at your own pace and refer back to the materials whenever necessary.

Can I interact with other participants in AOS Executive 2.0?

Absolutely! In fact, I highly encourage it! This is why I want the program to be a mix of individual and group coaching because I believe engaging with your classmates during the program allows for deeper learning, support and diverse perspectives. You can do this through our private Telegram group channel and during coaching calls. We even do face-to-face meetups if you’re up for it!

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with the program?

YES. I am so confident that AOS Executive 2.0 will transform your business AND life (and I have the student proof to back it up) that I’m offering a full money-back guarantee. If you feel that AOS Executive 2.0 didn’t help after 8 weeks of Unlimited Messenger Support, 1:1 Coaching, Weekly Coaching Calls, Unlimited Telegram support, plus our Art of Seduction Training Modules + Bonuses that guide you each week – just send me an email and I’ll be happy to give you a full refund.

How long will the program run?

The program will run for 8 weeks, giving us ample time to dive deep into the content and create meaningful transformations. We'll kick things off on the August 31, 2024 for our official Welcome Call. Once the program starts, the doors will close indefinitely. So don’t wait too long, secure your spot now before it's too late!

Ready to take your life to the next level?

The Art of Seduction Executive 2.0 can help you achieve you great transformation. Schedule a call, and together, we'll create a personalized roadmap to success.